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About BRRA
Welcome To BRRA
The functions of the Agency are to: –
1. Review a matter relating to business regulation or licensing on its own initiative or on a representation from a person or business.
2. Advise the Government on matters relating to business regulation and licensing.
3. Issue guidelines and standards for regulatory impact assessments and public consultations to be undertaken by regulatory agencies.
4. Manage and update the e-Registry.
5. Approve regulatory frameworks submitted under the Business Regulatory Act.
6. Promote more accessible and systematic public consultation strategies and develop a website portal for public interventions on issues of business regulation.
7. Advise regulatory agencies on the efficient and cost-effective regulation and licensing of business activities.
8. Monitor and report on the activities of regulatory agencies related to business regulation, quality control and compliance with the Act.
I. determine requests for licensing business activities by a regulatory agency.
9. Design an annual action plan for the implementation of regulatory services centers and a single licensing system and oversee and coordinate the implementation of the action plan; and
10. Carry out, periodically, regulatory impact assessments on business regulation and licensing.
“A dynamic Agency fostering a conducive business regulatory environment”.
The mandate of the Agency is to ensure an efficient, cost effective and accessible business licensing system.
“To regulate business policies and laws in order to create a cost-effective and conducive business environment”. In order to accomplish the mission, we have committed to observing the following six core values.”
BRRA Core Values
We discharge our duties with honesty and uphold highest ethical standards at all times.
We work together as members of staff for the attainment of goals regardless of one’s background. We also partner well with stakeholders in the execution of our mandate.
We are impartial in our actions and treat every client without favoritism or discrimination.
We take responsibility for our decisions and actions.
We are open to evidence-based decision making and communication.
We embrace creativity and strive for efficacy by enabling the development of new products, services and systems. We endeavor to evolve and proactively respond to the changing needs of the private sector.
BRRA Functions and Objectives
The objectives of the Agency are as follows:
- To improve the quality of business regulation – prevent and eliminate unjustified regulatory frameworks;
- Promote stakeholder consultation in the regulatory making process;
- Ease and reduce the cost of compliance with regulation; and
- Foster a business friendly, transparent, simpler, cost effective and efficient regulatory regime.
Functions Of BRRA
In accordance with the Business Regulatory Amendment Act No.14 of 2018, the major functions of the Agency are to provide an efficient, cost-effective and accessible business licensing system. Other functions are as follows:
- Review a matter relating to business regulation or licensing on its own initiative or on a representation formal person or business;
- Advise Government on matters relating to business regulation and licensing;
- Issue guidelines and standards for regulatory impact assessments and public consultations to be undertaken by regulatory agencies;
- Manage and update the e-registry;
- Approve regulatory frameworks submitted under this Act;
- Promote more accessible and systematic public consultation strategies and develop a website portal for public interventions on issues of business regulation;
- Advise regulatory agencies on the efficient and cost-effective regulation and licensing of business activities;
- Monitor and report on the activities of regulatory agencies related to business regulation, quality control and compliance with this Act;
- Determine requests for licensing of business activities by a regulatory agency;
- Design an annual action plan for the implementation of regulatory services centres and a single licensing system and oversee and coordinate the implementation of the action plan; and
- Carry out, periodically, regulatory impact assessments on business regulation and licensing.
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