The Business Regulatory Review Agency.

Promoting a Conducive Business Regulatory Environment.

The Business Regulatory Review Agency (BRRA) is a Statutory Body under the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry. The Agency was established through an Act of Parliament, the Business Regulatory Act, No. 3 of 2014 and became fully operational in January 2016. The establishment of BRRA presents an opportunity for Zambia to create and promote a conducive business regulatory environment. The mandate of BRRA is to review and approve proposed policies and laws that affect business activity to ensure they are legitimate and serve the intended purpose as well as coordinate development and implementation of appropriate government-to-business interventions aimed at reducing the regulatory burden on businesses.


Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) is a vital process that helps ensure effective and efficient regulations. It's like a check-up for new rules, analyzing their potential consequences and ensuring they don't create unnecessary burdens.


The Business Regulatory Review Agency (BRRA) is mandated to coordinate the establishment, operationalisation and roll out of Regulatory Services Centres (RSCs) in Zambia in order to improve delivery and accessibility of business regulatory services and ultimately reduce the cost of doing business.


e-services offered by the BRRA to simplify business registration and compliance. These services aim to enhance transparency, expedite processes, and minimize administrative burdens for businesses.

The Business Regulatory Review Agency is currently operating under the 2022 – 2026 Strategic Plan whose focus has been broken down into three strategic themes, namely operational excellence, strategic partnerships and business regulatory excellence leading to high quality services, improved regulatory services and conducive business environment respectively.

The Strategic Plan is aligned to the Eighth National Development Plan in accordance with the National Planning and Budgeting Act No. 1 of 2020. The alignment will ensure that the priorities of Government relating to the Agency’s mandate are effectively implemented.

The following are the eight strategic objectives to be deployed in fulfilling the Agency’s mandate.

  1. Improve regulation of business policies and laws
  2. Improve management of Regulatory Services
  3. Enhance business Regulatory Impact Assessment processes
  4. Enhance awareness of BRRA’s mandate
  5. Improve financial resource Management
  6. Improve management systems
  7. Improve human capital and
  8. Improve office accommodation

Zambia Business licensing Information Portal (e-Registry)

Businesses operating in Zambia are typically required to obtain one or more licenses and permits, depending on the activities of their enterprise. This website enables you to obtain information on the licenses pertaining to your business. Use the search below to find the licenses you will require to start your business.
